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Real Estate Listings: Here's How to Advertise Effectively

Hands shaking for a deal on real estate ads

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Are you working as an advertising clerk in a real estate company or agency, or do you manage a web portal operating in the real estate brokerage industry? Do you want to know how to advertise real estate listings effectively so that you can sell your home quickly? If your answer is yes, then I recommend you read this interesting article.

How to Advertise Real Estate Listings

Introduction to Real Estate Advertising

You should know that whenever you set up a campaign to advertise real estate ads, the first thing you should do, if you want to sell your house fast, is to think in the same way as your potential client. In fact, people often start setting up Facebook or Google listings without thinking much about who will click on these ads. This is a huge mistake and can lead to wasted money and situations of dissatisfaction and frustration. In fact, when you think like a hypothetical consumer, consider why they are browsing these websites and what their real intention is at the time they are going to interact with your ad.

Facebook Ads

While using this platform, your hypothetical customer is more intent on browsing to see what is happening in the world or to inquire about their personal contacts. The lead is not looking on the site for a way to fulfill an immediate need such as buying or renting a home quickly. This means that Facebook users, on average, have a lower purchase intent.

Google Ads

Google is very different from Facebook. Here, lpeople search and actively enter keywords related to the relevant industry. These use Google to get a quick answer to a need and not just to browse. Google users are actively searching for something on the Internet; therefore, they have a high purchase intent.

How to Advertise Real Estate Listings: The Generation of Leads

Facebook ads

Facebook ads are best used to target people early in the path to purchase. So you must be prepared to devote time to 'nurture' these leads. Leads are usually less expensive than Google leads, so this can be a cheaper way to build your mailing list. Facebook ads are also generally less effective in getting leads to convert quickly into purchases. Here are the main advantages and disadvantages:

  • Pros: Less expensive, effective visual advertising, great for creating marketing database
  • Cons: Low purchase intention, More difficult conversions

Google Ads

Google Ads is ideal for people searching for buyers and sellers who are actively looking for homes or services. When a lead clicks through a Google Ads campaign, you should be ready to start communicating immediately since this person is probably in the buying or selling stage.

  • Pros: High buyer intent, highly targeted based on keyword phrases.
  • Cons: Higher average click cost.

How to Advertise Real Estate Listings: A Conclusion

Both Facebook Ads and Google Ads (Google Ads) have their pros and cons, but both are very useful for the purpose of proper real estate advertising. If you are looking to cultivate your customer database or mailing list, Facebook Ads is the best audience. However, if you are looking for lead generation, Google Ads is the winner. Google Ads, in fact, shows up to people who are actively looking for a solution to a current need. These are an effective way to drive qualified traffic to your customer's business that is already searching for their products or services, particularly by keyword. When users type a keyword into their search query, results are displayed on the page, including paid ads that have referenced that keyword.

Want to start taking advantage of all the benefits of Google Ads for your real estate advertising? Check out our offer!

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Picture of Giorgio

I am the director of Globaltech Solutions Sagl, a digital marketing agency based in Lugano, Canton Ticino (CH). I have a degree in economics and great passion for internet and technology. I am mainly involved in training, SEO, SEM. I am also the founder and editor of a technology blog.



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