QR Code Scans: Here Are the Places to Show Them.

qr code on dark background

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Have you ever happened to scan or read QR codes? Are you intent on using this recent technology? Do you want to advertise your business but don't know how to take advantage of it?

Don't worry, this short article may be a valuable guide for you. Next we will outline 10 places where you can effectively display your QR codes and get more scans!

Since QR codes - or QR codes - vary in size, they are easy to scan and use for multiple marketing strategies. These allow you to expand the amount of information you are conveying and enable you to be able to effectively connect with your audience through quick scans.

QR Codes: Here's Where to Show Them to Get Lots of Scans

Next, here are 10 practical examples that you might consider when you are faced with choosing where to place your QR Code in order to achieve effective visibility in the eyes of your customers and increase the number of scans:

The Press

Do you want to increase your QR Code scans? For example, magazines or newspapers, as well as other forms of traditional print media, can accommodate large spaces within them, perfectly suitable for the insertion of QR Codes of the most varied sizes.

Flyers and Handouts

Just as provided in the case of magazines or newspapers, the surfaces of flyers can accommodate QR codes that allow access to online information such as maps, contact information, or sales messages.


Valid alternatives to the first scenario may be, for example, traditional billboards placed along roads or near waiting areas for public transportation such as planes, trains, subways or buses.

Surfaces of Buildings

Buildings are ideal for reading QR codes: these can be in the form of posters or contain information directly about the building itself. Storefronts, moreover, can also be used as valuable media for digital advertising given their high visibility, which makes them easy to scan.


This can be used inside stores, restaurants, public places or conference rooms in order to provide access to important information.

Business Cards

If you need to share your contact information or that of your business instead, you can make use of a QR Code linked to your website. You will be able to use the dedicated feature capable of displaying contact information in the same format as business cards.

Advertising on Television or the Web

In recent times, television or web commercials that display a QR Code within them have become rapidly popular. This allows you to quickly reach an audience of viewers in order to then 'redirect' them to your own site. Here you can offer paid services, such as e-commerce services.

Back of Motor Vehicles

QR codes can also be placed on the back of buses or other medium- to large-sized vehicles, especially those used for trucking.

Clothes and Accessories

QR codes can be widely used on any kind of fabric or accessories having suitable surface to be easily scanned or read.

Packaging and Packing

I QR Codes can be used to ensure that customers have the information or instructions related to certain product or service.

Although some of these options may seem unusual to you, our intention is to show you the many applications that these technological tools can offer. If you are interested in learning more about the 'world' of Dynamic QR Codes or static ones, stay updated by checking out our blog!

Please note: 'QR Code' is a trademark owned by Denso Wave Inc..

Do you want to know more?
Giorgio Chiesa

I am the director of Globaltech Solutions Sagl, a digital marketing agency based in Lugano, Canton Ticino (CH). I have a degree in economics and great passion for internet and technology. I am mainly involved in training, SEO, SEM. I am also the founder and editor of a technology blog.

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