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Is it Possible to Make Money with a Blog? A Complete Guide

A girl and a computer she uses to make money with a blog

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Please note.: This article is a guide for informational purposes only. The advice expressed to follow is in no way a guarantee or promise of profit.

We all know well that starting, writing and earning with a blog might seem - at least initially - a bit difficult and challenging, especially if you do not have adequate experience in the field. In fact, to undertake such an activity, it is necessary to have good computer skills and familiarity in using the necessary support tools. As for the dedication and commitment required, it is you who will have to make the greatest effort, but for everything else we are here to help you. In fact, in this short guide, we will explain how to get started with a blog and we will show you, next, how you can make money with a blog. How to make money with a blog?

Earning with a Blog: Starting a Blog

First of all, it should be mentioned that starting and managing a blog is not as simple and straightforward as writing articles in a printed medium. Since this is an online procedure, there are some preliminary steps to be taken. Starting a blog requires, in fact, the management of one's own website. Here, in this regard, are some basic steps to follow:

  1. Getting a domain name and web hosting
  2. Set up web hosting account
  3. Install WordPress and customize the theme
  4. Writing and publishing the articles

Earning with a Blog: Getting Started Writing Articles

Once you have completed the more technical and articulate phase, all that is left is to devote yourself to writing and publishing your articles. Here are some tips that can help you select a topic:

  • Researching uncompetitive keywords that have a high search engine ranking success rate
  • Choose a topic about which you are an expert
  • Add some details and graphic content
  • Choose an appropriate and comprehensive title, description and introduction
  • Publish and promote your articles on social media

A well-written article within a blog can be educational and interesting; this can be able to connect you with a very large audience. Later, once you have achieved this initial goal, you can learn how to earn and make money from a blog by monetizing that visitor traffic. (Read our article on analytical marketing).

How to Make Money with a Blog

Selling Online Courses

A great way to make money with a blog is to make money by creating and selling courses in your area of expertise. Whether it is fancy clothing, cooking or various hobbies, there is always an online course that your audience would be interested in and willing to purchase.

Offering Services as a Freelancer

Another way to earn money from a blog is to offer your services as a 'freelance blogger'. Although this method will not directly benefit your brand, it is still a great way to receive money through a well-diversified income stream. You can find work by promoting your services through social media or by searching for ads on specialized platforms.

 Affiliate Marketing

One of the most interesting ways to make money from a blog is through so-called 'affiliate marketing'. This is accomplished when a partnership is struck between your brand and other brands, allowing them to market their products on your blog in return for a commission for each sale made. Although theaffiliate marketing may seem like an easy goal, there are some disadvantages you need to be aware of. First, affiliate deals are often reserved for blogs with significant visitor traffic. This means that with affiliate marketing it is possible to make money from a blog after a few years of hard work spent promoting your brand.

Selling Advertising Space Online

The latter is a very common earning practice among bloggers; it allows them to host advertising space within their pages aimed at showing third-party products more or less related to the content proposed by the blog.

Earning with a Blog: Conclusion

In conclusion, is it possible to earn or make money with a blog? Writing a blog represents - even today - an interesting and intelligent way to create and strengthen the credibility of your brand. It is also a suitable and capable tool to attribute, to your advantage, a high level of respectability and expertise in your target industry. In addition, the blog represents an effective tool capable of selecting and aggregating a category of users interested in purchasing your goods or services.

Please note: This article is a guide for informational purposes only. The advice expressed above is in no way a guarantee or promise of profit.

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Picture of Giorgio

I am the director of Globaltech Solutions Sagl, a digital marketing agency based in Lugano, Canton Ticino (CH). I have a degree in economics and great passion for internet and technology. I am mainly involved in training, SEO, SEM. I am also the founder and editor of a technology blog.



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